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Winter Renaissance Faire 2021

Feb 27-28, 2021
Essex, VT
Champlain Valley Exposition
Essex, VT

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About Winter Renaissance Faire 2021

Come chase away the winter blues at the Winter Renaissance Faire, March 3rd, 2018 at our NEW LOCATION, the Champlain Valley Exposition. We are celebrating St. Patrick’s Day a little early this year with a Celtic theme!Kids under 6 get in FREE.The Winter Renaissance Faire, by the producers of the Vermont Renaissance Faire and Vermont Steampunk Expo, is a family-friendly event for all ages, featuring performance troupes including singers, musicians, acrobats and dancers; as well as medieval and Viking demonstrations of life on the battlefields of the old world.With artisans and craft vendors—both local and from across New England—patrons can find fascinating items and indulge their appetites with tasty treats from cultures around the world.This year, the Winter Renaissance Faire will be held at the Champlain Valley Exposition, giving us more room and parking space.The Vermont Renaissance Faires: Kid friendly, Odin approved!RSVP on Facebook and get tickets now!
Winter Renaissance Faire 2021 Pictures
Winter Renaissance Faire 2023 Winter Renaissance Faire 2021 Winter Renaissance Faire 2020 Winter Renaissance Faire 2018