Anime Midwest 2013
Jul 5-7, 2013
Rosemont, IL
Official Review
Anime Midwest's third year did not disappoint, as the convention grew four times in size and stayed the same (really low) price. The weekend included some growing pains, with the average line lasting an hour and not more than two hours, but these pitfalls were more than made up for with a host of epic events - including a brilliant Steam Powered Giraffe concert and a ton of guest panels. Attendees were surprised when guests charged for autographs, but the convention has stated that it will not allow guests to charge for autographs in the future. Overall the weekend ran really smoothly for a third year, and the convention kept the promise to provide unlimited free Mountain Dew and Ramen all weekend.
About Anime Midwest 2013
Anime Midwest is quickly rising to be one of the biggest conventions in the Midwest. It is second-largest in Chicago with thousands of people coming every year. Anime Midwest has delighted fans from it's first year with special featured guests and a ConSweet featuring free ramen and soda. Anime Midwest's first ever Chicago anime convention in 2011 was the first convention to feature Ellen McLain from Portal & Portal 2 as a guest.
Guests of Honor

- Anime Industry Panels
- Anime Music Videos
- Anime Screenings
- Art Auction
- Art Show
- Artist Alley
- Board Games
- Collectable Card Games
- Cosplay Events With Prizes
- Cosplay Events Without Prizes
- Dance
- Dealer Room
- Dinner
- Fan Panels
- Formal Dance
- Free Autographs
- General Cosplay All Over
- Guest Panels
- Hall Cosplay Contest
- Hospitality
- Karaoke
- Live Action Role Playing
- Manga Library
- Miniatures Games
- Pick Up Games
- Rave
- Role Playing Games
- Video Gaming
- Workshops